My Blog List

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Today I would like to talk about human decency. I would love to believe that we all have the capacity to respect one another but on a daily basis I am seeing how the up and coming days of my life are FILLED with self serving and one track thinking so-called "people".

Today I experienced such high levels of disregard that I am tempted to join the masses and live by the mantra of "fuck you and fuck them and fuck it". Why are we like this to one another? Am I so different by comparison?

I offer to reach things for elderly in motorized chairs in grocery stores, pick up dropped items for other people just to display kindliness, give the poor my change when they ask, offer some of my lunch to a co worker in a tough spot, let someone with just 1 item in the grocery store ahead of me in a line and hold doors for the next person coming through, I say please and thank you to everyone in the service industry, Sir or Ma'am to anyone older than me, and I cover my mouth if I cough or sneeze, use my turn signal in traffic and let someone in front of me if they too use a turn signal.
Yet, not many people I meet do ANY of these things. Why is this?

My theory is that the message we are getting as humanity is that it's all for one and one for one. Do we not know that we have a choice? How did we forget that we exist better as a community and we thrive best as a unit? If we share a common goal do we not achieve it?

I don't know if we can ever reverse it but I thank my parents and grandparents for never letting me turn into what I see everyday now and if you are one those losers I am talking about, get your head out of your ass and see how you look to me. I can't be alone in this, don't be the problem okay?

Have a pleasant day!

Monday, July 27, 2015

I found a Black Swift Bird and a Horsehair Worm!

     This here birdy had me wondering for awhile what species it is. It was found near a small waterfall while on a small adventure here in the Kamloops area.
    I gave myself some car sickness trying to use my cell phone to identify the thing on my way to a wedding a few days later.
Finally, I found somebody else's blog with the perfect matching image to my own photo here. It seems this cute bird is nesting prior to her migration to Brazil for the winter months.

 Click this link to read what I did if you are interested.
Black Swift Migration Mystery Solved After 165 Years
  It isn't that easy to spot these little cuties because they fly quite high to eat larger flying insects and nest in some pretty remote places. They do however live all over the western region of North America! So, maybe you will someday see this sweet little bird for yourself.
She was quite brave, we got quite close to her and she just glared her beedie eyes at me waiting for me to leave.

I was also introduced to a Horsehair Worm, GROSS! Lemme show you the strangest worm I've ever seen.

These are some of the craziest things I've seen to date. It is one of 350 known species of it's kind. It can reach up to 40 inches long. In it's larval stage, it attaches to other insects such as beetles and grasshoppers and injects them with a neurological chemical that causes them to seek water and drown themselves! This helps them to return to the water and become the worm you see here once they emerge from the now dead and softened carcass of it's host. BLECH!

Here's more about it if you click this link.
Absurd Creature of the Week, Horsehair Worm

I hope you enjoyed the good news/gross news post today!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Did you know you can breathe like this?

I've recently started a SCUBA course to get certified for open water diving. So thrilling!! My fiancé signed up too so we are learning together which could come in handy since having a buddy to dive with is much safer. It's also fun to have something we can do together that I truly enjoy!
During this first class I learned you can breathe in such a way that is so foreign to me!
I'm the person who swims while holding her nose. I jump in the water always holding my nose as well. I supremely hate having water up nose! It just sucks!
Well, our dive teacher asked us to put a snorkel in our mouths, place our heads under water and breathe without plugging our noses. No mask allowed either.
At first I just kept breathing above water making like I'm about to dunk my head under, but I kept giggling because I just couldn't bring myself to do it! I had visions of taking a breath and snorting a half liter of water in the process.
I figured that I'd come up choking and spraying a geyser of snotty water back out of my nose, that would be rather embarrassing!
So, the dive teacher said, "you know what? Just go ahead and pinch your nose, put your head under and start breathing. Once you are ready, just let go of your nose and keep breathing."
I felt like such a noob but, I tried that while resigning myself to the fact that I just may have the worst happen but I may also have the desired result occur as well!
I faithfully did as my teacher instructed and it worked! I started breathing AND laughing with my head underwater. It sounded like a dying seal through my snorkel but I didn't care! I was doing something under water without plugging my nose!
Ah, 1 triumph over a life long nuisance!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Slap Hand Fight With a 10 Year Old, During a Field Trip

 While on a field trip with my daughter to a marvelous lake here in B.C., her rather large male classmate challenged his young lady friends to a duel of this nature. They all turned him down. I didn't know this kid in any way at all and thought maybe the young girls just were scared of a little pain. So, when he turned to me with hope in his little smirk, and asked me if I'd like to try it, I straightened my back, returned the smirk and said, "let's do this!" 

I don't know how you'd imagine this went since I'm no big person and this young man was nearly as tall as myself and easily weighed as much as or a bit more than myself but, I am here to tell you, we had a very fair and equally played game! I held nothing back just because he's 1/3rd of my age. He got as much slap as he delivered and it turned out once he knew that I wasn't going to play with kitten mittens, he returned the effort in his slaps too! 

We exchanged slaps for about 4-5 minutes at the glee of his classmates and the open smile of my own daughter who I think was either proud of me or quasi embarrassed. I never asked her. 
Either way, that was a lot of fun, my hands were left stinging and pink, as were his. We both called a truce at the end and I enjoyed feeling like a grade 5 classmate for 5 minutes. 

Yeah, that was fun! 

What's This About Then?

Hello all of you beautiful Internet browsers!


    Aren't blogs fun? Yes, I can use poor grammar and use words that don't even exist in the Merriam Webster Dictionary! Ahhh, freedom.

So, did you come to find some nitty gritty miserable ranting and raving? Or some deets on how I saved someone from causing a recycling calamity? Perhaps a piece about overcoming a moment of horrendous judgement? Or maybe something involving some bitch slap violence?

Well, if you were looking for any of those, (aside from the bitch slap violence, I am kind of soft-hearted) then you are arrived at the right blog! I intend to fill my readers with any sort of odd case happenings that I deem worthy of your precious time and interest. Dashcams find the strangest things (and I own one so who knows, maybe I can post a link to some neat finds) and our human eyeballs and ear holes happen to witness even MORE amazing strange things. I can tell Facebook, or I can tell you. I personally prefer you, Facebook is getting pretty old hat in my opinion. So limited...

Alright then, lets stretch these typing fingers and see what I can share with you!

.....please read next post, that's where you can find the first official blog in this series. This is an intro.